PediAquatics Swim School
of Citrus County
PediAquatics Swim School
of Citrus County
Certified infant Self rescue and Swim Lessons
Rewarding Career
Rewarding Career
Teaching children is always very rewarding, but to teach a child a life saving skill that will also bring the whole family peace of mind, along with hours and hours of fun for the child, is truly an incredible career.
Why PediAquatics?
1) I have been a certified self rescue swim instructor for 15 years. I have taught 1000's of children from 6 months to 12 years old and even up to adults, along with a swim team. I have taught more children in those 15 years than many instructors teach in a life time. I work 11-13 hour days with back to back lessons, no break, for my full season. Which means I have more experience than most instructors in the US.
2) I not only teach how to self rescue, which is independently rolling over to an unassisted 5 minute float, but also strong swimming skills for all ages. I teach diving, snorkeling, and stroke development, along with having a private swim team, so you will have the potential to work year round if your pool allows. Most swim schools cannot train you on all of the above.
3) The instructors that I have already trained are so highly trained and recommended that within 2 years they had a wait list of over 200 kids and are still going strong.
Why PediAquatics over ISR?
I was trained and certified by a Master ISR instructor that had left ISR, along with many other Master ISR Instructors, because she did not agree with their company. From there she started her own, far more advanced, state of the art swim and training facility. So my training is ISR based but way more advanced. From that advanced training I was able to create an even more personalized and stronger swim program and training.
ISR mostly teaches self rescue, some do not teach any swimming at all, but we Floridians love to swim and play in water most of the year. With that, kids need to become strong independent swimmers before the age of 2 or as soon as possible. A lot of my 1 year old swimmers can independently swim the whole width of my 22' pool, my 2 year olds can independently swim the length of my 40' pool along with independently diving to the bottom of the deep end, they can snorkel, and are learning to swim with their heads above water as well. By 5 years old they are ready to join the swim team for stroke development and competition. My goal is to train you to teach each child to be the strongest swimmer to their ability.
How long is the training?
The training takes 6 weeks. You will train on at least 40 children. After your training is done I recommend you stay for one additional week to work so I can really make sure you got it all.
When is the training?
I am able to train any time of the year
For cost, contract, and information please text or call me at 352-586-6695